Amicus supports OCI and cXML PunchOut transactions for catalog integration and cXML and EDI transactions for purchase order and invoice integration.

Amicus's Punchout solution provides easy access to a "managed" catalog. Amicus's Epic® application integrates with the customer's e-Procurement system using either the OCI or cXML format supporting secure purchasing transactions. A user can search Amicus's strategically sourced and customer directed catalog and add items to their shopping cart. Upon checkout, all item information is transferred back into the customer's e-Procurement system in support of rapid purchase order creation.

ERP Interface and Transaction Flow - Option 1 (Customer can host Amicus Catalog)

  • Amicus provides catalog files in various formats to be loaded in your ERP system.
  • Users can activate items for immediate purchase that have established negotiated pricing and are not specific to other customers.
  • Item's awarded to suppliers via RFQ process are available immediately in the nightly catalog files.
  • Amicus customizes the solution according to your needs.

ERP Interface and Transaction Flow – Option 2 (Catalog Access via cXML Punchout)

  • cXML PunchOut available to customers using Ariba style PunchOut
  • Amicus's catalog changes frequently and punchout allows the customer access to real time information.
  • Amicus's catalog allows customers to activate items for immediate purchase that have established negotiated pricing and are not specific to other customers.
  • Item's awarded to suppliers via RFQ process are available immediately.
  • Epic provides a catalog search experience similar to online consumer commerce. User oriented capabilities include basic and advanced search, quick order entry, quick order upload and saved carts.
  • User can access RFQ tool to take advantage of urgent and regular RFQ support.

ERP Interface and Transaction Flow – Option 3 (Catalog Access via OCI Punchout)

  • OCI PunchOut available to customers using SAP SRM
  • Amicus's catalog changes frequently and punchout allows the customer access to real time information.
  • Item's awarded to suppliers via RFQ process are available immediately.
  • Amicus customizes the catalog solution according to your needs.