Integrated Supply
Our Integrated Supply solution was developed to help clients set-up and manage inventoried items following receipt within their facilities. Most companies invest in alternative systems to manage crib inventories. Amicus's Store Room application is fully integrated into our Epic® application allowing replenishment orders to be processed seamlessly from the same item master catalog.
Many organizations hold excessive Maintenance, Repair and Operational (MRO) inventories as an added safeguard against production interruptions or delays. Over time, these inventory levels can become out of sync with actual requirements resulting in an inefficient use of space, inventory management complexity and increased working capital and costs. We combine client experience with careful analysis to arrive at logical inventory stocking levels based on an individual item's operational criticality, supply availability, and rate of use.
The primary objective of crib layout and design efforts is to achieve the efficient flow of materials to and from Maintenance, Repair and Operational (MRO) item inventories. We work to involve all key stakeholders and account for all receiving, stocking and disbursement related activities. Input is also sought from supplier representatives who provide Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) services. Once requirements are understood, we help determine storage requirements down to the number and size of cabinets. Additionally, Amicus can help compare the costs and benefits of internal and external inventory management solutions.
Here we can provide the "roll up the sleeves" assistance needed to set-up cabinets, label stocking locations, stock inventories, and establish disbursement, replenishment and inventory management processes.
Store Room is a corporate-wide MRO inventory management solution provided within Amicus's Epic® e-Procurement platform. Clients quickly benefit from standardized work flows, on-line inventory visibility and the flexibility to accommodate individual store room/crib requirements. Store Room™ maximizes MRO inventory management efficiency while minimizing inventory levels and associated costs, boosting the client's bottom line.
Epic's Store Room module provides users with the ability to requisition items, obtain approvals and track the entire process and physical flow of goods online. Users can designate an item’s reorder method to best fit its usage pattern. Items can be re-ordered by setting min/max levels, designating a dynamic re-order point via safety stock, defining a fixed re-order point or placing on-demand orders. Also, critical items rise to the top of the queue for immediate re-order. The application is configured with the client's approval and accounting structures allowing costs to be tracked and managed consistent with established requirements.
The Epic® toolset allows designated suppliers to process and route requisitions for approval, process billing purposes only orders, process returns and claims, manage catalog content, maintain contact information, process electronic invoices for payment, manage receivables and track and manage orders. Our approach is to enable suppliers to perform as many authorized activities on behalf of the client as possible including Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Vendor Managed Ordering (VMO) services freeing client resources to focus on higher level activities.
When needed, Amicus supports daily inventory management requirements using a combination of on-site and shared service center resources based on the needs of the client. Some of the activities supported include:
New requirements gathering
Item location set-up
Physical counting
Receiving, stocking, disbursement and replenishment
Performance tracking and reporting
Our professionals can act as the client's crib attendants to ensure that the proper inventory levels are established, maintained and secure.