Leverage Amicus's AI-Powered Spend Intelligence platform to understand your current spend and get actionable insights to deliver savings opportunities to your organization fast.

Procurement leaders are under constant pressure to deliver more savings and streamline processes with fewer resources. Spend is often fragmented among many suppliers, site locations, business units, and categories, making it hard to identify and capture enterprise-wide savings opportunities. Most companies lack the tools and technology to monitor their indirect spend performance and reflect success on financial statements.
MRO Benchmark

I am very grateful to have Amicus as a trusted partner, their hard work and expertise make all the difference in navigating the MRO landscape and helping to manage our overall cash flow

Jason MesserCommodity Manager - Doosan Bobcat North America

Dynamic Procurement is a collaboration between Amicus and Baker Tilly, a leading full-service advisory, tax and assurance firm and a national consulting firm with a sophisticated Supply Chain and Manufacturing consulting practice that helps clients strategically optimize all aspects of their supply chains and operations.

This AI powered MRO benchmarking tool is designed to help you gather actionable market insights quickly through a self-service portal, leveraging Amicus's most recent sourcing results. The process is simple and allows you to quickly benchmark your current spend using our new Spend Analytics tool powered by advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting - edge analytics. The resulting report details savings opportunities including process improvements. If you are satisfied with the savings and process improvement opportunities, you can move forward with one of Amicus's spend management solutions or simply use the data to leverage your own deals.

Primary categories to include in your benchmark include:

  • Abrasives
  • Office Supplies
  • Safety Supplies
  • Janitorial Supplies
  • General Electrical
  • Fluid Power and Power Transmission
  • Motors
  • Cutting Tools
  • Hand Tools
  • General Cutting Tools
  • HVAC
  • Breakroom Supplies
  • Filtration
  • Marking Devices

To get started, click: AI Powered Spend Analytics and Benchmarking tool