Our Quality Management system ensure a High Quality Client Experience.

Amicus has established, documented, implemented and maintains a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 International Standard.

Our Quality Policy requires that we perform our roles according to the requirements defined in our Quality Management System and strive to continually improve to meet and exceed client program objectives.

The needs and expectations of our clients are defined within each client agreement and/or an accompanying set of defined program objectives that are understood and agreed between the client and Amicus prior to commencing work.

Fulfillment of these needs can be evidenced through ongoing program metrics, program meetings and/or reviews relating to any defined program objectives, with the aim of achieving and maintaining client satisfaction.

Maintaining positive client communication is vital to the success of any program within DSSI. A client management representative is assigned to all customers with the responsibility for the overall communication of information to and from the client, including:

  • Program objectives and performance
  • Client requests/inquiries
  • Client feedback and survey results including complaints and suggestions for improvement

Our processes ensure that purchased products/service will conform to specified purchase requirements. In accordance with client and program requirements, Amicus verifies that purchased product/service meets the specified purchase requirements.

Amicus monitors client satisfaction through ongoing communication, performance monitoring, internal audits, transaction audits, and/or corrective and preventive action activities.

If you have any questions concerning any aspect of our Quality Management System, ISO Certification please contact Jaince Mincel at JMincel@directsourcing.com.